Team Building for Growth: The 5 Types of People Critical to Scaling Success

Embarking on the path of scaling a business is a journey that demands more than just individual brilliance; it requires the collective strength of a well-rounded team. The notion of being labeled a “visionary” founder can be uncomfortable, especially when the journey is shaped not by one person alone but by a diverse group of individuals with unique perspectives and experiences. In this blog, we’ll explore how the wisdom gained from seven years of high-growth entrepreneurship has led to a preference for five distinct types of people in shaping the trajectory of business growth.

1. The Colonel: A Visionary Strategist

In the realm of business scaling, having a visionary leader is paramount. Termed here as “The Colonel,” this individual is not just a visionary but someone who strategically defines the path to success. Clear in their identity, goals, and methodology, they ensure that everyone within the organization is aligned toward a common objective. Their advice serves as a compass, cutting through complexity and emphasizing the importance of doing what you do best while wisely delegating the rest.

2. The Mirror: Embracing Humanity in Business

Venturing into entrepreneurship, especially with backing from venture capital, can sometimes lead to a detachment from the human side of business. “The Mirror” is the person who grounds you in your humanity, providing shared experiences that foster a deep sense of commonality and vulnerability. Their advice goes beyond spreadsheets, reminding you to find balance, feel seen, and recognize that you are not alone on this challenging journey.

3. The OG: Learning from an Accomplished Future

Identifying an industry professional with years of experience is not enough; you need an “OG” who represents an accomplished “future you.” This individual, having traversed a similar path, provides invaluable mentorship. Their advice is rooted in understanding how your business aligns with your values, operations, ethics, and hopes. Drawing from their wealth of knowledge, the OG guides you in building on strengths, overcoming operational challenges, and evolving as a leader.

4. The Advocate: Your Business’s Trusted Guardian

Beyond being a mere record-keeper, “The Advocate” is intimately familiar with you and your business. Serving as an advisor, they understand your intentions, values, and vision, translating your ideas into actionable insights. Their advice encourages holistic thinking, and effective brainstorming, and helps you see the fullest potential in new opportunities.

5. The Cheerleader: Fostering Optimism and Celebration

Entrepreneurial journeys are filled with challenges, and having a “Cheerleader” is essential for maintaining morale. This individual, seasoned by life’s experiences, brings a glass-half-full perspective. Rooted in gratitude and wisdom, the Cheerleader adds fuel to your tank, offers fresh perspectives, and reminds you to celebrate the milestones along the way.

Success in scaling a business is not a solitary feat; it’s a collaborative effort fueled by the strengths of diverse individuals. These five types of people – The Colonel, The Mirror, The OG, The Advocate, and The Cheerleader – form a well-rounded team that navigates the complexities of growth. Assembling a group dedicated to bringing out the best in you is the key to not only surviving but thriving in the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship. In the end, it’s not about the size of the group but the impact it makes on your leadership and the trajectory of your business.

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